Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Best Hip Arthroscopy Surgery India

Best Hip Arthroscopy Surgery India

Hip arthroscopy refers to the viewing of the interior of the acetabulofemoral joint through an arthroscope and the treatment of hip pathology through a minimally invasive approach. Hip arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that allows doctors to view the hip joint without making a large incision (cut) through the skin and other soft tissues. Arthroscopy is used to diagnose and treat a wide range of hip problems.

Why Needs the Hip Arthroscopy?
Hip arthroscopy may help postpone the need for hip replacement surgery. Hip arthroscopy is performed through small incisions using a camera to visualize the inside of a joint. In people who have an injury called a torn labrum, the surgery will remove loose fragments and cartilage. Other than this labral tears, hip impingement is some other injuries that can be fixed by hip arthroscopy. Osteoarthritis can also be cured with hip arthroscopy.
What are the benefits of Hip Arthroscopy?
Hip arthroscopy preservationist careful way to deal with decrease or fix hip agony. Hip arthroscopy is a creative new technique which is less obtrusive than the open careful choices and patients are sent home that day.
Arthroscopy takes into account negligible scarring, quicker recuperation, and conclusions and treats early reasons for joint inflammation, as a rule averting it inside and out.
In youthful dynamic people, hip arthroscopy could be an option in contrast to hip substitution medical procedure. There are negligible hazard elements related to hip arthroscopy.

The nice part about hip arthroscopy is that it is much less invasive than traditional hip surgery. This means:
Early rehab
Accelerated rehab course
Outpatient procedure
Smaller incisions
Early return to sport
What conditions can be treated with hip arthroscopy?
Labral Te
Loose Bodiesar
Snapping Hip Syndrome
Cartilage Damage
Early Arthritis

This can be an outpatient surgery depending upon the treatment. You have to stay in the hospital for a few hours for observation. You can use crutches for walking. Follow up appointments are necessary to examine if there is any swelling or infection in the incision area. Take the prescribed medicines on time.

Sunday, 28 July 2019


Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Breast cancer is cancer that develops in breast cells. Typically, the cancer forms in either the lobules or the ducts of the breast. Lobules are the glands that produce milk, and ducts are the pathways that bring the milk from the glands to the nipple. Cancer can also occur in the fatty tissue or the fibrous connective tissue within your breast.
Types of breast cancer
There are several types of breast cancer, and they are broken into two main categories: “invasive” and “noninvasive,” or in situ.
These two categories are used to describe the most common types of breast cancer, which include:
Ductal carcinoma in situ: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a noninvasive condition. With DCIS, the cancer cells are confined to the ducts in your breast and haven’t invaded the surrounding breast tissue.

Lobular carcinoma in situ: Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is cancer that grows in the milk-producing glands of your breast. Like DCIS, the cancer cells haven’t invaded the surrounding tissue.
Invasive ductal carcinoma: Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) is the most common type of breast cancer. This type of breast cancer begins in your breast’s milk ducts and then invades nearby tissue in the breast. Once the breast cancer has spread to the tissue outside your milk ducts, it can begin to spread to other nearby organs and tissue.
Invasive lobular carcinoma: Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) first develops in your breast’s lobules and has invaded nearby tissue.

Other, less common types of breast cancer include:
Paget disease of the nipple: This type of breast cancer begins in the ducts of the nipple, but as it grows, it begins to affect the skin and areola of the nipple.
Phyllodes tumor: This very rare type of breast cancer grows in the connective tissue of the breast. Most of these tumors are benign, but some are cancerous.
Angiosarcoma: This is cancer that grows on the blood vessels or lymph vessels in the breast.

Here are the following are the major 8 signs of breast cancer:

1. Thickening or lump inside the breast or underarm area
2. Change in the shape and size of the breast
3. Scaly sore, Itchy, or rash on the nipple
4. Nipple discharge that starts suddenly
5. Redness, warmth, swelling or darkening
6. Skin dimpling or puckering
7. Pulling in of your breast or nipple and
8. New pain in only one spot that doesn’t go away

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

LASIK Eye Surgery in India - Complications and Risks with the Procedure

LASIK or Lasik commonly referred to as laser eye surgery or laser vision correction is a type of refractive surgery for the correction of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.
If you are in the corporate sector, you can’t say no to sitting in front of your PC or laptop for hours. Fortunately, we live in a science and technology-driven world where almost all the health issues have effective solutions. Eye surgery is the ultimate treatment for serious vision diseases or troubles. Lasik is also used to reshape the cornea (clear front part of the eye).

Why should you go for LASIK Eye Surgery?
Lasik surgery is almost painless. Slight discomfort can be treated with eye drops.
No bandages and stitches are required.
As you age, changes can be made in the Lasik procedure to correct the vision.
You can see correctly on the same day as the operation.

LASIK surgery removes this near focus because the nearsightedness has been corrected.

The serious visual problems demanding eye surgery include –
Bells Palsy
Retina Detachment
Ocular Migraine
Macular Holes
Color Blindness

There are many other eye conditions that need proper eye surgery to retain a healthy vision to a great extent. There are many types of eye surgery including Keratomilleusis, LASEK, LASIK, ALK,

Corneal Surgery and so forth.
There are basically 4 types of Lasik eye surgeries.
Bladeless Lasik – A precise and uniform corneal flap is created without using any blade.

Wavefront Technology Lasik – A map is created based on the unique and detailed attributes of your cornea’s curvature and the natural shape in front of the eye is sustained.

Typography-Guided – It is also known as custom Lasik treatment in which a tailored surgery is offered to the patients using cutting-edge technologies.

Wavefront-Guided - It’s also a custom-designed laser treatment based on the damage level in your eyes measuring the path of the light waves penetrating your eyes.

Primary Benefits and Risk of Lasik Surgery are:
Complete or maximum cure for myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism
Fast treatment
Usually painless
Quick recovery
Not much limitations
Minimum risk
Usually, the treatment is done in one attempt

May affect night vision
Disordered astigmatism
Growth of outer cell of the cornea causing blurred vision

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Heart Transplant Treatment in India | Healing Touristry

You should know about Heart Transplant Treatment and Procedure, Costs & Hospitals in India.
A heart transplant is an operation in which a failing, diseased heart is replaced with a healthier, donor heart. A heart transplant is a treatment that's usually reserved for people who have tried medications or other surgeries, but their conditions haven't sufficiently improved. Your surgeon then removes the diseased heart and sews the donor heart into place. He or she then attaches the major blood vessels to the donor's heart. You'll be given medication to help with pain after the surgery.

Heart transplant surgery lasts for approximately four hours. During that time, you'll be placed on a heart-lung machine to keep blood circulating throughout your body. Your surgeon will remove your heart, leaving the pulmonary vein openings and the back wall of the left atrium intact.

Why there is a Need for a Heart transplant?

A heart transplant is required in the following cases:
Heart valve disease
Previous heart transplant failure
Continuous abnormal heart rhythm
Cardiomyopathy or  weakening of heart muscles
Congenital heart defect
Coronary artery disease

How is Surgery Performed?
A heart transplant is an open heart surgery that takes a few hours to perform. The doctor will inject local or general anesthesia to the patient to put them to sleep. After this, the surgeon will connect the patient’s body with the bypass machine to let the oxygen-rich blood flow in. The surgeon will make a deep cut on the upper area of the chest and a few incisions in your breastbone to access the heart. After this, the surgeon will replace your defective heart with the donor’s healthy heart. The major blood vessels will be attached to the donor’s heart so that the heart starts beating.  Sometimes there is a need to give an electric shock to the patient for the working of the heart. Some tubes will be attached to the chest area to drain out the fluids from the lungs and heart. Medications will be given to the patient to overcome the pain. Some medicines are also provided to the body through intravenous fluids.

Post-Surgery Precautions
It is strictly advised to take certain precautions lest any complication occurs. A heart transplant is one such procedure where patients are closely monitored.

Refrain from using tobacco products as they are harmful
You need to do follow-ups for the complete recovery
Take the prescribed medications on time
Avoid lifting heavy objects and performing strength-based activities
Cardiac rehabilitation is necessary to recover from a heart transplant. It will help you in leading a healthy lifestyle.

Heart Transplant Treatment Costs in India
In India at Healing Touristry, the heart transplant treatment cost starts from $5,000 which is comparatively very less as compared to the other countries. If patients choose India for the heart transplant surgery, then the total cost will be less even after including all the expenses i.e. traveling cost, accommodation cost, food, etc.

Best Hospitals for Heart Transplant Treatment in India
Max Hospitals, Gurgaon
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi
BLK Hospital, Delhi
Fortis Hospital, Delhi

Get in touch with a reliable medical tourism agency in Delhi to know your options and take the right first steps towards affordable yet superior healthcare.

Monday, 15 July 2019

Eye Surgery: Everything you need to know

Eye Surgery in India

Eye surgery in India, also known as ocular surgery, is surgery performed on the eye or its adnexa, typically by an ophthalmologist. Today it continues to be a widely practiced type of surgery, having developed various techniques for treating eye problems. Sometime after age 50, most of us are likely to hear our eye doctor say, "You have to Eye Surgery.

All different types of surgeries performed on eyes to treat vision problems are cumulatively called eye or ocular surgery. Depending on the type of diseases, eye surgeries may be broadly divided into the following categories:

Know Different Types of Corrective Surgeries
LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis)
PRK (photorefractive keratectomy)
LASEK (laser epithelial keratomileusis)
ALK (automated lamellar keratoplasty)
RLE (refractive lens exchange).
PRELEX (presbyopic lens exchange)
Phakic Intraocular Lens Implants
AK (astigmatic keratonomy)

LASIK, PRK, and other laser vision correction procedures do have their limitations and may not be the best option for you if you have severe nearsightedness or farsightedness. Some eye surgeons consider implantable lenses (Visian ICL and Verisyse) the best option for extreme nearsightedness.

Eye-Surgery-Related Tourism in India
India is a very popular eye surgery destination, due to a host of factors including a low-cost, high level of expertise, availability of latest equipment and compassionate care that provides support to the needy patients from Asian, African, American and European countries.
The highest international quality of eye care for cornea, cataract, squint, and glaucoma is available in several centers all over India. Facilities for PRK, myopia, and astigmatism are now available in almost all parts of the country.

Best Hospitals for Eye Surgery in India
Max Hospitals, Gurgaon
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi
BLK Hospital, Delhi
Fortis Hospital, Delhi

Monday, 8 July 2019

What is Blood Cancer? And Best Treatment in India

Blood cancer happens when something goes wrong with the development of your blood cells. This stops them working properly and they may grow out of control. This can stop your blood doing the things it ordinarily does to keep you sound, such as fending off contaminations or helping fix your body. A cancer of blood-forming tissues, hindering the body's ability to fight infection.

The main types of blood cancer are:
Lymphoma, and

What causes blood cancer?
All blood cancers are caused by faults in our DNA. In practically all cases these changes to our DNA happen for reasons we can’t explain and are linked to things we can’t control. The risk factors vary between the different types of blood cancer. Usually develops in people aged 15-25 or over 50, and people who already have problems with their immune system.

These risk factors include:
Family history,
Radiation or chemical exposure, and
Some health conditions and treatments.

Blood Cancer Treatment in India
India is a well-known medical destination for blood cancer treatment at Healing Touristry Private Limited. The costs of treatment being a fraction of what it is in the western nations, India has become a notable destination to get blood cancer cured in the country. Many options are available to patients traveling to India for Leukemia treatment. Specialists along with advanced diagnostic equipment and surgical tools along with commitment and dedication to treating holistically make India one of the most trusted locations for blood cancer treatment. Indian hospitals offer blood cancer treatment that cost one-fifth of what it would in a western country. Moreover, alternative approaches to treating certain types of leukemia which eliminates the need for transplant is also gaining popularity among health tourists seeking treatment for this aggravating disease.

The Best Hospitals for Blood Cancer Treatment in India
Apollo Specialty Cancer Hospital,
Chennai Tata Memorial Hospital,
Mumbai Metro Hospitals,
Delhi NCR Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi Max Institute of Oncology,
New Delhi BLK Hospital,
New Delhi Action Cancer Center,
New Delhi Denvax Clinics.

Get Expert Opinion and Free Personalized Quotation

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Are you a good candidate for cosmetic surgery?

What is Cosmetic Surgery?
Cosmetic surgery is where a person chooses to have an operation or invasive medical procedure, to change their physical appearance for cosmetic rather than medical reasons. Cosmetic surgery also dangerous possible complications for any surgical procedure include: Complications related to anesthesia, including pneumonia, blood clots and, rarely, death. Infection at the incision site, which may worsen scarring and require additional surgery.

Some of The Most Common Surgeries you should know:
Breast biopsy
Carotid endarterectomy
Cataract surgery
Cesarean section
Coronary artery bypass
Debridement of wound, burn, or infection
Dilation and curettage
Free skin graft
Inguinal hernia repair
Low back pain surgery
Partial colectomy
Tonsillectomy, etc.

Cosmetic surgery is a type of plastic surgery that aims to improve appearance. Plastic surgeons perform operations that change the shape or appearance of part of a patient's body.
You should know about your health before any cosmetic surgery:

If you are a healthy individual from a physical standpoint (you exercise, eat healthily, don’t drink too much and don’t smoke) and from an emotional standpoint, you might be a good candidate for cosmetic surgery.

The first things you should know before starting any surgical procedure is why would you like to change a certain part of your body? You and your surgeon should talk in depth about your health, your lifestyle, any conditions you have, and any medications or supplements you take. You should be completely honest with your doctor about everything you take, even vitamins and herbal products that don't require a prescription. Some of those may affect bleeding risk or interfere with other medications used during surgery. Most people smoke! Don’t forget to tell your doctor if you smoke regularly!

Keep in mind that if you have health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, bleeding disorders, heart disease, or depression, you may not be considered a good candidate for having a cosmetic surgery.