1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Ayurvedic medicine reduces stress and anxiety . it helps in lower cortisol level and balancing the body’s hormones. This includes meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, herbal treatments etc.Pranayama contain series of various breathing exercises,so it helps in calming nerves and results in better energy, peaceful sleep and improved hormonal function. It is cost effective option also.
2. Reduces Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Ayurveda medicine reduces blood Pressure and Cholesterol . An Ayurveda diet includes those foods that are good for heart health such as vegetables, herbs and spices..
3. Recovering from Injuries and Illnesses
Ayurvedic medicine , Ayurveda yoga and Ayurveda massage helps in improving back pain , blood flow and also treat diseses like arthritis.
4. Detoxify body
Ayurveda is also useful in detoxification of the body by using various herbs, teas, healthy foods etc. Ayurveda also improves blood circulation and liver function. Abhyanga is the practice of rubbing the skin with herbal oils to increase blood flow and help draw toxins out of the body through the skin.
5. Help in Curing Insomnia
Insomnia occurs due to today’s life style like late night dinner, drinking tea/coffee before bedtime, watching TV, using phone, or eating a spicy or heavy meal for dinner
Ayurveda helpful in peaceful sleep with using ways like rubbing jasmine or coconut oil on the scalp of feet, drinking a cup of warm almond milk.
7. Help in regulating bolating
Spices, herbs like cumin, cardamom, fennel, and ginger can cure indigestion in the body. Eating cumin and ginger before eating helpful in better digestion, and drinking cardamom and fennel in boiled water also relaxes the digestive system
8. Can Help with Weight Loss or Maintenance
Ayurvedic medicine can help in reducing the weight naturally with healthy diet, stress reduction and essential oils.
9. Lowers Inflammation
Inflammation is caused by poor diet, poor digestion, insufficent sleep which causes stress and inflammation which results in imbalancing of metabolism
Ayurvedic medicine reducing inflammation with regulating the heart and circulatory system, digestive tract and the elimination of wastes. Combination of herbal treatments and antioxidants reduces free radicals, and it also boosts metabolism and improves circulation. Researchers have found that one herb or one drug alone cannot cure the imbalance of doshas. A good example is the combination of turmeric with black pepper.
10. Balancing of hormones
Ayurvedic medicine balance hormones naturally, it assists to conceive and have a healthy, natural pregnancy or menstrual cycle. Ayurveda have been effective in treating PCOS, which is disorder in women during reproductive age.
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